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Page Updated: 8/24/2024      
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2 0 2 4   W S W G A   T o u r n a m e n t
July 15th - 17th
Olive Glenn Golf Course
802 Meadow Lane Ave, Cody, WY 82414
Website:                   Phone: 307-578-8105

2024 Annual WSWGA Tournament

Tournament Director
Carol Butler

Tournament Treasurer
Falinda Hall

This Is The WSWGA's...

Our Local Charity

Our Tourney Theme


Group Photo Tuesday Morning

And the winners were...

Overall Low Gross
and Medalist
Falinda Hall (Cody)

Falinda shot gross rounds of 83 and 82 to not only win the Medalist Award but also the Overall Low Gross Award.

Overall Low Net
Kathy Stutheit (Sheridan)

Kathy shot net rounds of 70 and 68 to win the Overall Low Net Award.

Freshman Flight

1st Place Gross
Tiffany Greear
Sophomore Flight

1st Place Gross
Lisa Ellis

1st Place Net
Deborah Johnson

2nd Place Net
Niki Kamboris
Junior Flight

1st Place Gross
Verba Echols

1st Place Net
Mary Beth Voss
(Worland) - Tied

1st Place Net
Carolyn White
(Douglas) - Tied

2nd Place Gross
Lynda Strahmann

3rd Place Gross
Cathy Caines

3rd Place Net
Lisa Copeland

4th Place Net
Charlotte Bernardis
Senior A Flight

1st Place Gross
Marsha Combe

1st Place Net
Tara Robinson

2nd Place Gross
Diane Burr

2nd Place Net
Cathy Toolson

3rd Place Gross
Paula Siddoway
(Green River)

3rd Place Net
Donna Lozier
Senior B Flight

1st Place Gross
Karen Holcombe

1st Place Net
Carol Butler

2nd Place Gross
Donna Thompson

2nd Place Net
Nancy McGuire

3rd Place Gross
Carleen Tucker

3rd Place Net
Donna Brown
(Lander) - Tied

3rd Place Net
Susan Hendrick
(Afton) - Tied
Swinging Senior Flight

1st Place Gross
Lonna Jones

1st Place Net
Marilyn Coble

2nd Place Gross
Rene' Lee

2nd Place Net
Kim Salveson

3rd Place Net
Christine Frude
Super Senior Flight

1st Place Gross
Donna Cleveland

1st Place Net
Susan Cram

2nd Place Gross
Gayle Brice

2nd Place Net
Dolores Albers

3rd Place Net
Nancy Hoffnan
Super Duper Senior Flight

1st Place Gross
Brenda Stutheit

1st Place Net
Zara Logan
(Sun Lakes, AZ)

* * * Final * * *

Skill     (Age Class)                                            Winner
#1 Short Drive in Fairway (Super Sr/Super Duper).......Brenda Stutheit
#2 Longest Drive in Fairway (Swinging Senior)..............Lonna Jones
#3 Longest Putt (Junior)..................................Anne Simmons
#4 Longest Drive in Fairway (Freshman/Sophomore)........Kathy Stutheit
#5 Shortest Drive in Fairway (Senior A)....................Sheri Boyle
#6 Longest Putt (Swinging Senior).........................Kim Salveson
#7 Longest Drive in Fairway (Junior)......................Janet Zundel
#8 Shortest Drive in Fairway (Freshman/Sophomore).......Tiffany Greear
#9 Longest Putt (Senior B)................................Rose Harolan
#10 Longest Drive in Fairway (Senior A).....................Diane Burr
#11 Shortest Drive in Fairway (Senior B).....................Rose Loos
#12 Longest Putt (Freshman/Sophomore)......................Janeen Hill
#13 Shortest Drive in Fairway (Swinging Sr)................Susan Guile
#14 Longest Putt (Super Sr/Super Duper Sr)............Brenda Sthutheit
#15 Longest Drive in Fairway (Senior B)................Victoria Liptak
#16 Shortest Drive in Fairway (Junior)...............Marvene Alexander
#17 Longest Drive in Fairway (Super Sr/Super Duper Sr).Shirley Kaetzer
#18 Longest Putt (Senior A)................................Sheri Boyle

            Age Class:
Freshman 49-54, Sophomore 55-59, Junior 60-64, Senior 65-69, Swinging Sr 70-74, Super Sr 75-79, Super Duper Sr 80+

We would like to welcome these 9 new members in 2024 who played in our tournament. We hope you had lots of fun and made some new friends.

Patricia Chance

Tiffany Greear

Deborah Johnson

Niki Kamboris

Bridget Paich

Paula Poythress

Lynda Strahmann

Vicki Swanson

Janet Zundel
Thanks for joining us and we hope to see you next year in Worland.

Click buttons below to view the scoreboard or the player photos for this year's tournament.


Prior to the tournament this Scoreboard will be updated periodically with player names as registrations are recorded.
Scores will be posted after each round at the tournament.

Round 2 Pairings
( with starting hole assignment )
#1A: Dolores Albers, Falinda Hall, Kelly Jones and Lonna Jones
#2A: Carol Grosch, Victoria Liptak, Vicki Swanson and Janet Zundel
#3A: Maria Colestock, Deborah Johnson, Niki Kamboris and Tara Robinson
#4A: Cathy Caines, Jeneen Hill, Nancy Hoffman and Donna Lozier
#5A: Susan Cram, Carolyn Griffith and Richi Krassin
#6A: Allison Betz, Christine Frude, Kim Salveson and Kim Tanner
#7A: Martha Davey, Lisa Ellis, Tiffany Greear and Cynthia Wilson
#8A: Mary Comings, Verba Echols, Susan Hendrick and Marianne Mrak
#9A: Donna Brown, Donna Cleveland, Marilyn Coble and Nancy McGuire
#10A: Carol Butler, Trudy Durfee, Rosemary Loos and Lynda Strahmann
#11A: Charlotte Benardis, Lisa Copeland, Jan Cronin and Paula Poythress
#12A: Marvene Alexander, Karen Holcombe, Cathy McCleery and Cathy Toolson
#13A: Shirley Kaetzer, Zara Logan, Donna Thompson and Carolyn White
#14A: Bridget Paich, Paula Siddoway, Anne Simmons and Carleen Tucker
#15A: Susan Guile, Rose Haroian, Bonnie Johnson and Kathy Stutheit
#16A: Sheila Aragon, Marsha Combe and Brenda Stutheit
#17A: Sheri Boyle, Gayle Brice, Diane Burr and Mary Beth Voss
#18A: Mishelle Aldrich-Davis, Patricia Chance, Rene' Lee and Kelly White

Bidding You All A Farewell
It has been my honor and privilege the past 16 years to serve the WSWGA as your webmaster and photographer. However, the time has come for me to retire from this position. The Cody tournament this year will be the last for Zara and I to attend. I therefore thank all of you for the gift you presented to me at the general membership meeting. We will carry with us many fond memories of the annual tournaments in which we have participated.

I trust you will find another Webmaster/Photographer to keep the website updated each year.

John Logan

Olive Glenn Golf Course Scorecard
two four


        MENS         LADIES
Black 73.1/138/7060White 76.3/145/6515
Blue 72.3/135/6896Yellow 74.9/138/6203
White 70.5/129/6515Yellow/Red 71.6/128/5608
Yellow 69.1/127/6203Red 70.0/127/5494
Yellow/Red 66.3/121/5608
Red 65.1/118/5342

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