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Page Updated: 2/17/2025  
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2025 Annual Tournament in Worland
The 59th Annual WSWGA Tournament will be held in Worland at the Green Hills Golf Course on July 14-16, 2025.

WSWGA 2025 Membership Application & Annual Dues Form
The 2025 Membership Application & Annual Dues Form is now available. Click on the above link Forms/Reports to view and/or print the form.

For those who paid their 2024 dues, the deadline for paying your 2025 dues is March 15, 2025 and after this deadline there is a $10 Late Fee. The $10 Late Fee does not apply to new members who are joining for the first time nor does it apply to those Members who are reinstating their membership after it had lapsed one or more years.


RoseAnn Bull of Glendo Passes Away
We were deeply saddened by the news of Rose Ann Bull passing away on March 14, 2024.

She joined the WSWGA in 2012 and played in each annual tournament up to and including 2023.

You may read her obituary by clicking the link below:

Shirley Benson of Riverton Passes Away
We were deeply saddened by the news of Shirley L. Benson passing away on August 6, 2023.

She joined the WSWGA in 1988 and played in our annual tournaments through 2020.

You may read her obituary by clicking the link below:

Cody Pardners Receive Donation From WSWGA
The Wyoming Senior Women's Golf Association (WSWGA) donated a $3,527.92 check to the Cody Parnders at the Olive Glenn golf course September 26, 2024.

"This check takes us a long way," said Jan Hoar, secretary of the Pardners board of directors. "We start paying the Pardner volunteers after they have been with us for two years."

The Pardners is a local, nonprofit organization providing social and vocational opportunities to adults with disabilities. When asked why the organization is spelled Pardners and not Partners, she said, "Because we are out west."

"In addition to working in the library cafe, we offer vocational training and social activities for our Pardners and we also have a garden for them to work in," Hoar said. "Because after high school, there's not much for adults with disabilities to do."

Present at the ceremony were Hoar; Carol Butler, WSWGA president and tournament director; Westey Kline and Jana Conklin, both Cody Pardner Cafe workers; Trish Lightman, the Pardners dishwasher; and Matt Gibbons, the head professional at the golf course.

Falinda Hall, the registrar and bookkeeper for the WSWGA, was also on hand to present 12 goodie bags to Pardners, since that is the total number of workers with disabilities who help Conklin at this time.

"Oh, thank you, thank you very mcuh!" exclaimed the three Pardner workers present before the bags were even handed over.

"We get to the library cafe in the daytime, look at the schedule and do whatever is needed, at the frount or in the dinning area," Conklin said.

The last couple of years has been kind of hard for me because other places I worked didn't work out for me," Lightman said. "But I'm really grateful to be here, becuase I love this job."

Kline and Conklin both immediately responded in unison saying, "We all found our place."

"And our website should be up and running very soon," Hoar said.

The Pardners Cafe is located in the Cody Library, and is open from 9:15 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Mondays through Fridays.

For more information, visit

Davis, Toolson and Durfee Elected to Board
At the Annual Membership Meeting on July 17, 2024, Mishelle Aldrich-Davis (SVR), Cathy Toolson (SVR) and Trudy Durfee (Sundance) were elected to the Board and each will serve a three (3) year term.

The 2024-2025 Board Officers are: Carol Butler (President), Mishelle Aldrich-Davis (Vice-President) and Marla Heberlein (Secretary).


Pinnacle Bank Continues Sponsorship Of Our Website
We are pleased to announce that Pinnacle Bank is again a corporate sponsor of our WSWGA website for 2024. We want to thank them for this sponsorship and their continued support of our state wide organization. For their sponsorship, we have agreed to show their advertisement at the bottom of our home page. In case you missed it, it also appears here.

Pinnacle Bank
Pinnacle Banks are currently located in Cheyenne, Cody, Gillette, Moorcroft, Newcastle, Powell, Thermopolis, Torrington and Worland. The next time you visit Pinnacle Bank in your area, tell them thank you for supporting us.

We are always looking for individual or corporate sponsors to help defray the cost of our website. If you are interested, please contact Falinda Hall.

Have You Ever Wondered..
Have you ever wondered how many members and tournament players we have had over the years? If so, you will want to view this chart showing this important data since 2007. The data for the current year will automatically update as the Registrar records the data.

Just click this link to view the chart:    
Bi-Annual Audit Completed
Pursuant to Section 4.04A of our By-Laws, our bi-annual audit of the Association's permanent bank checking and savings accounts located at Pinnacle Bank covering the period July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 was completed on August 19, 2023. All cash receipts and disbursements were found to have been accounted for properly based on Standard Accounting practices. Therefore, our annual financial reports have been approved and accepted by the auditor. You may review these financial reports by clicking on the 'Forms/Reports' link at the top of this page.

Thanks to our Registrar (Falinda Hall) for a job well done preparing our annual financial reports.


WSWGA Email Issue
It was recently brought to my attention that some email messages from the Registrar (Falinda Hall) are ending up in the recipients spam or junk email folders. There are a verity of reasons this maybe happening as different email hosting companies like Gmail, AOL, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc. use different types of spam filters to determine if the email is unsolicited or dangerous. However, if an email name and email address is in your email contacts, then it generally passes the spam or junk filter test. The email program used by the Registrar and sometimes our Webmaster uses a slightly different sender name which is probably causing the issue.

To alleviate the problem, it is highly recommended you setup two (2) new contacts in your email program which are as follows:
  1. Name: WSWGA Registrar

  2. Name: WSWGA Webmaster
Thank you,
John Logan
Your Webmaster


Members Hole-In-One Club
Making a hole-in-one (aka ACE) is a BIG deal to all golfers and when it happens it needs to be celebrated. Starting in 2015, we want to recognize all those who have scored an ACE when playing with friends, in a league or in any tournament. Our members want to celebrate with you as well and offer our congratulations. Send our Webmaster an Email by clicking and provide him with the info on your achievement.
WSWGA Hole-In-One Club
Zara Logan Sun Lakes, AZ Palo Verde CC, AZ
#6 / 88 Yds
Becky Marsh Casper Three Crowns Golf
#16 / 105 Yds
Kelly White Sheridan Kendrick Golf Course
#3 / 111 Yds
Nancy Hoffman Cody Olive Glenn Golf Course
#6 / 156 Yds
Bobbie Stratton Sheridan Coyote Willows GC, NV
#18 / 108 Yds
Carole Grosch Worland Green Hills Golf Club
#3 / 86 Yds
Janet Jones Riverton Hemet Golf Club, CA
#7 / 128 Yds
Kimberly Durfee Sundance Devil's Tower Golf Club
#16 / 82 Yds
Falinda Hall Cody Olive Glenn Golf Course
#6 / 156 Yds
Trudy Durfee Sundance Keyhole CC
#7 / 141 Yds
Nancy McGuire Pinedale Rendezvous Meadow
#11 / 87 Yds
Rene` Lee Worland Green Hills Golf
#8 / 123 Yds
Joan Andreen Casper Three Crowns Golf
#16 / 110 Yds
Karen Holcombe Powell Powell Golf Club
#4 / 100 Yds
Joan Andreen Casper Paradise Valley
#15 / 123 Yds
Becky Marsh Casper Casper Muni-Park
#9 / 138 Yds
Kelly White Sheridan Kendrick Golf Course
#3 / 111 Yds

WSWGA's Gift Of Giving
As many of you may remember at our 2004 Membership Meeting, we approved a change in our By-Laws where we did away with the scholarships and instead stated all profits from our annual tournaments are to be donated to help support a local charity in the host tournament city. Below is a list of the charitable donations made by the WSWGA's local tournament committees since the change:

2025 Worland TBD     a) Washakie Hosptial Foundation
  "   " TBD     b) Crisis Prevention & Response
2024 Cody $3,527.92     Cody Pardners
2023 Cheyenne $3,656.16     Airport GC Scholarship Fund
2022 Sheridan $10,000.00     The Food Group
2021 Star Valley $10,000.00     a) Thayne Senior Center
  "   " $1,500.00     b) The Turning Point
  "   " $481.67     c) Thayne Food Bank
2020 Evanston N/A       Tourney Cancelled Due To Covid-19
2019 Gillette $3,000.00     a) Sundance Fire Dept.
  "   " $1,000.00     b) Pine Haven EMS
  "   " $850.86     c) Bell Nob Jr. Golf
2018 Worland $3,800.00     a) Washakie Cnty Ministerial Food Bank
  "   " $3,800.00     b) At Risk Student Assistance
2017 Lander $6,400.50     a) Food 4 Kids Friday Backpack Program
  "   " $6,410.50     b) First Stop Help Center
2016 Star Valley $11,650.00     Thayne Senior Center
2015 Douglas $8,142.39     Boys & Girls Club of Douglas
2014 Cody $6,012.23     Heart Mtn Volunteer Medical Clinic
2013 Worland $2,582.55     Worland Senior Center
2012 Rawlins $1,041.00     Boys and Girls Club of Carbon County
2011 Sheridan $4,375.40     Kelly Shreibies Memorial Foundation
2010 Riverton $2,665.11     Amedisys (Little Wind) Hospice
2009 Star Valley $1,800.00     a) Animal Humane Association of Star Valley
  "   " $1,800.00     b) Family Foundation For Cancer Patients
2008 Casper $685.00     Make-A-Wish Foundation
2007 Cody $2,049.79     Humane Society Of Park County
2006 Rawlins $360.00     Pet Partners
2005 Worland         --             N/A
    TOTAL $97,590.22    

WOW is right! All of our members, tournament volunteers and donors as well as the host cities should be very proud of our organization and what we are doing. Just think, we are a non-profit organization helping other non-profit organizations. The more revenue we can generate through donations, raffles, and other sources at our annual tournaments, the more profit we produce to help another worthy cause. Fantastic job ladies!

In Memory
Memory We would like to be informed of any WSWGA members who have passed away. As you know, we try to recognize these ladies at our annual membership meetings. However, we sometimes are not made aware of their passing. If we know the names as well as when and where they died, we often can find their obituary on the internet which we can post here on our website for all to see. In addition, we need to remove them from our contacts list.

Therefore, please send our Webmaster an Email by clicking whenever you become aware of a member we have lost.
Paying Your Annual Dues Is Of Great Significance
We would like to remind all of our members of the importance of paying your annual dues regardless of whether you plan on playing in our annual tournaments. Among the benefits of belonging to our organization, is that we help support many charities in the Wyoming communities where we play our annual tournaments. Since 2004, those charities have included various Animal Humane Societies, cancer foundations, Coalition Against Violence, hospice, and the Wyoming Make-A-Wish foundation. Your dues, as well as participation in our tournaments, make these charitable donations possible.

As you all know, it is not an easy task to host one of our annual tournaments. It is a lot of work for the local tournament committees. One of their rewards for all their effort is the ability to make a WSWGA donation to a charity of their choice in their local community. Even if you are not playing in that years' tournament, payment of your annual dues help them make this happen.

During the past several years, your Board has discussed the raising of our "dues reinstatement fee" to discourage those members who choose to pay their annual dues only if they plan on playing in that years' tournament. No doubt, the subject will be revisited perodically over the next few years. In the meantime, the Board asks for everyones cooperation in supporting the WSWGA organization, its local tournament committees and the many wonderful Wyoming charitable organizations by paying your dues each year regardless of your participation in the tournaments.

Finally, a special thanks to all those members who have graciously supported our organization by paying their dues each and every year - even when they are unable to participate in all of our tournaments.

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